The rant on tolerance was triggered by an column that I read in The Hindu on Aug 12 2007. I decided to respond with a contribution to the same section in the newspaper. So spent some in diligently writing down my thoughts. Then composed an email and sent it out to the email id provided. A response came back the same evening regretting the fact that they could not use it.
I was trying to figure out the reasons for the rejection. Further questioning on the email id seems futile as noone has responded so far.
Probably they did not find the quality upto the mark. Or it was too critical of the original column. Another likely reason was thrown up when I saw the last Sunday's edition - another reader had contributed a column responding to the same article. That probably settles the issue.
Anyway my first contribution to a newspaper column ends in a little bit of a disappointment.
But it does end up on this blog - so hopefully someone other than me will also get to read it :-)
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