Saturday, April 15, 2017

The Arrival Fallacy

"You have arrived". That is the notification on the Uber app once you reach the destination. Sadly that was not the case for me last Saturday. Even though I had reached the location that was sent to me, it turned out to be a wrong one.

I was out to meet an old school friend. He had messaged me the location of a place where he was playing cricket with his colleagues.

The name of the place was PowerPlay.

Turned out that, that just like in T-20 cricket, in the Whitefield area as well, there were two Powerplay arenas. And I had reached the wrong one.

The Arrival Fallacy had hit me.

This has happened with Uber cabs before as well, of course. I book a cab. A notification pops-up with the headline of "Arriving Now". I close the app and start the waiting process. Only to realize few minutes later that the driver cancelled.